The role of the Contact Centre is evolving at a rapid rate, driven in no small part by the customer experiencerevolution. Consumers want a valued interaction and not to be treated like a number that must be dealt with quickly.
The Contact Centre remains at the centre, but it is no longer just a physical location with agents on phones. Instead, it represents an amalgam of technologies, processes, people and skills that can make or break a company’s reputation.
One vital component of this is your customer journey map.
The Importance of a Customer Journey Map
Key to a successful strategy is a customer journey map, revealing which touchpoints your customers experience when interacting with you and what their expectations are as they move along this journey. You should be asking yourself questions like:
- What are your customer personas?
- What channels does the customer use to engage with your brand?
- How does the customer move between these channels?
- Where are the opportunities for you to delight your customers?
A journey map offers a visual representation from which you can draw actionable insights into moments of customer truth and or pain points where customers drop off.
It should be both recognisable in the eyes of a customer and easy for the delivery team to take action from, but that isn’t to say a standard blueprint exists.
How you design and present the map is up to you; what matters is its content and the key steps it touches on to most accurately map the customer journey.
Using Your Customer Journey Map to Better Serve Your Customers
Your completed customer journey map will likely reveal that the customer journey has changed significantly from any previously documented versions. With your customer journey map in hand, you can begin to align your Contact Centre environment with the moments of truth or customer pain points to better serve your customers and improve customer satisfaction.
Download our Ebook
What does this mean for the traditional contact centre environment and cost-driven model powering it, and how can your contact centre environment evolve to deliver better customer service? Download our ebook to learn:
- How to map your customer journey and the mistakes to avoid.
- The six key elements of a customer journey map.
- How to align your Contact Centre with the moments of truth to delight your customers.
- A better understanding of your customer’s pain points.
- How to measure the impact of your changes.
- And more…