2 years after the launch of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the 2018 Data Protection Act (DPA) Channel Doctors have looked at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) rulings and fines for data privacy infringements in relation to sales and marketing.
What they have identified might be surprising and is definitely worth people involved in the acquisition, retention and development of customers understanding.
Despite all the focus on GDPR and the new DPA, 93% of the ICO’s fines in the ‘customer’ world have been under the old (very old) PECR (Privacy & Electronic Communications) Regulations.
And some of the organisations that have fallen foul of the rules, incurring big fines and reputational damage, include big names like BT, EE, Morrisons and Money Supermarket.
So, what is PECR and what does it mean? Download the infographic to find out more here.
And if you’d like to be kept up to date with compliance and regulation in the ‘customer’ world, sign up to Channel Doctors’ monthly newsletter here.